A picturesque journey in the Highlands of Scotland from Ben Vrackie along the quiet shores of Loch Tummel and Loch Rannoch, the mountains of Schiehallion and Meall Garbh reflected in their sill waters seems like a innocent meander through the peaceful scenes and wonders of nature.
But it was not always thus. Slaughter, bloodshed, Viking invastions, heartless evictions; the creachs of the Children of the Mist and the atrocities of the Wild Men of Rannoch tore this area apart as it struggled to survive the blood hounds of the chief of the Clan Campbell and the sword of Butcher Cumberland during the long, dark, Jacobite years.
But despite all that there was good. People who changed a way of life, an attitude to life, life itself – whether it was for the good or to the detriment. Retrospect reveals how dedication or passion can make a lasting legacy - can make history.